Eye Mouse

8:51 AM | 0 Comments


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These logos should be inserted in the Ecology Poster
Follow the rules to design a poster for our ecology club, is in spanish and the titles can be
  • Huerto escolar

  • Reforestación

  • Separación de residuos

Include in your poster this logo, the name of our club is Red Ecológica add it, open the word document that is slidshare to see all the things that you can add to your poster. This project count as 4th period grade. Due date Thursday morning.

Good luck and organize your time to print it.

Mrs. Roxy

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Hi students, this week you will design a brochure in Microsoft Office Publisher, the topic is your science fair experiment.
The brochure is an individual project and should include the following:

  • Is an individual project to be handed in before your since fair exposition

  • Cover page with your name, list #, grade, project title and an image

  • Information, titles and images with borders

  • Design your own using the autoshapes in 3D, circles, ovals, squares, lines and arrows, is not allowed to use a publisher brochure template

  • Bibliography, complete site address

  • Use your creativity

Good luck, you can do great projects ! Mrs. Roxy

Hi students, remember that English conversation during class is 20% of your bimestral grade, do your best effort ok.

You can do it... Mrs. Roxy

Create a new blog, the topic is Your Future Career.
Add the following

  1. Select 3 careers of your choice

  2. Select a template from btemplate.com

  3. Everything should have a title (ppt, gadgets and posts)

  4. Add 3 gadgets

  5. Add one powerpoint presentation for each career with slideshare.net

  6. Add one post for each career, with image, paragraph and link to a site according with each career.

  7. Add one video according to each career, add a title to everything.

Send your blogs´link to roxygzz@gmail.com before 10:00 PM today, your blog should have the following:
1. 5 posts with a paragraph and image each one
2. One link to any page or video
3. Up load your blogs´powerpoint presentation should include cover page with name and title, 5 slides with an image with border or effect around, title and a paragraph.
4. Up load your slideshare user manual in Ms_word
5. Up load your peace powerpoint project

If you send you blogs´ link after 10:00 PM, 20 points less from your grade

Good Luck!

Create a power point presentation with the following information:
1.- Cover page, Title, name, list #, and grade
2.- What means peace for you
3.- Collage of images realted with peace
4.- Select a peace image as your logo and paste it in each slide
5.- Search information of the following witnesses of peace,find what they promoted and what they achieved
* Martin Luther King
* Mahatma Ghandi
* Juan Pablo II
* Madre Teresa de Calcuta

Do not copy paste the information


10:02 AM | 0 Comments

  • Create a gmail account

  • Create a folder in my documents for your Blog images.

  • Search for images related with your Blog topic.

  • Search for sites related with your topic, keep the links.

  • Search for videos related with your topic, keep the links.

Have fun !

1.- Create a gmail account
2.- Enter to
3.- Select create a blog
4.- Select a topic for your blog
5.- Fill the information for your blog, title and URL.
6.- Start posting


Insert 5 paragraphs related with your Blog topic, each paragraph with an image and a link.

You can do it!

Mrs. Roxy

6:55 PM | 0 Comments

Teachers around the world are using Blogs to have interaction with students. Every classroom in CSP Jr.High will have a new feature this year: a class-related blog.
A blog, a contraction of Web log, is an ongoing journal-like Web site on which people post their thoughts, news, photos, links to other sites and other information to share with blog readers.
For our class I created one where you can see the class rules, grade percentages, and weekly classworks, remember to speack in english in class, is 20% of your bimestral grade.

Good Luck ! Mrs. Roxy


Mrs. Rossana González Garza